Regularly exfoliate your lips and reduce the consumption of caffeine to get rid of dark lips caused by regular smoking, say leading beauty experts.

- Exfoliation: Regularly exfoliate your lips to gradually get rid of the darker hue that they have taken on. The simplest way to do this is to smear some petroleum jelly on an extra soft toothbrush. Run the brush gently over the lips in a circular motion for a couple of minutes. Wash them with lukewarm water and finish off the process by applying some virgin olive oil on them for added protection.
- Hydration: In order to undo the harmful effects of smoking and to prevent further darkening, it is imperative that you keep yourself hydrated. You must consume at least eight glasses of water a day for better lip health. Dehydration can lead, not only to chapped, but also pigmented lips.
- Homemade packs: There are a variety of packs that you can easily make at home with kitchen ingredients to deal with smokers lips. A paste of lemon and honey works wonders as a bleaching and softening agent. You can also swap the honey for glycerine or turmeric. Another option is soaking rose petals in milk and applying this concoction to the lips. Rose petals lend a pinkish hue to damaged lips and revive their natural color.
- Careful cosmetic usage: Constant use of lipsticks can worsen your problem of smokers lips. If possible, limit your usage of lipsticks. However, given your work profile, if wearing lip color is essential to your overall look, you must be very careful about the kind of lipstick you are wearing. Ensure that you buy only known brands, try to find products that have jojoba oil, shea butter and vitamin E as they help keep your lips nourished, healthy and prevent darkening.
- Reduce consumption of caffeine: Caffeine can stain your lips and teeth, while tannin in tea has an even graver and more permanent effect on their color. Limit your consumption and watch how the color of your lips slowly makes a comeback.