The use of hearing aid among older population should be increased because the untreated hearing loss is associated with social isolation, depression and dementia.

‘The changes in hearing among older adults were higher during the 10th decade of life than the 9th decade.’

In the study published online in the journal JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, the researchers examined if the rate of age-related hearing loss is constant in the older old - 80 years and older. 

Presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss (ARHL), affects approximately two-thirds of adults older than 70 years and four-fifths of adults older than 85.
The majority of research in ARHL, however, groups participants older than 70 years into a single category, thus obscuring changes in the severity of hearing loss as individuals live to 80 years or older.
This study included 647 patients 80 to 106 years of age who had audiometric evaluations at an academic medical center.
The degree of hearing loss was compared across the following age brackets -- 80 to 84 years, 85 to 89 years, 90 to 94 years, and 95 years and older.
Correspondingly, the annual rate of low-frequency hearing loss was faster during the 10th decade.