Two projects which sounds optimistic about early disease diagnosis by collecting blood and personal information to be started by UK and US.

The critics of the project feel that they project would lead to sharing of personal information which may lead to leak of these information causing social stigma, recruits may give vague or wrong data which could lead to wrong diagnosis of disease or a doctor would have misinterpreted a diagnosis leading to a different wrong result from the project database to overcome this problem the project organizers have planned to insert Biochip to the recruit which constantly monitors the body temperature, pressure, heart beat, oxygen exchange, alcohol and tobacco intake, radiation exposure and transmits the data to the project organizers.
Biobank on the issue of maintaining the confidentiality of information collected from recruits had said that they would be encrypting the data in a way the details are stored secretly with a PIN number to avoid leaking of data. The Biobank project is funded with £61 million, which will be jointly funded by UK Medical Research council, Wellcome Trust and the Government Health Ministry.
Source: The Newscientist