Noetic science is a fast-emerging field of science. Noetic theory has faced controversies due to lack of enough evidence to support their effectiveness as a form of medicine.

The placebo effect, which is of great use in the health industry, is yet another example of the hidden potential of the human brain. Physical and mental pain can both be effectively reduced by learning to calm and compel the mind, and make it believe that there’s no pain.
Noetic sciences strive to bring light to these and many other factors of the mind that may prove to be beneficial to the mankind globally though like any other major form of alternative medicine, Noetic sciences have faced their share of criticism and controversies due to lack of enough evidence to support their effectiveness as a form of medicine.
Most traditional systems of medicine, including Ayurveda, treat diseases taking into consideration the complex mind-body relationship. In view of this, scientists have developed a new discipline of medicine called psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) which deals with the relationship between psychological, behavioral, immune and nervous system functioning.
Noetic science, or the science of consciousness, is the next step that includes physics (quantum computing) as well. It goes beyond PNI and views energy as the underlying pattern of the universe. The mind-body healing in Noetic theory is based on the fact that there is an unimaginable amount of power in the human mind, and that every material thing existing around a human mind is the result of a mere thought or conscious awareness whereby intentionality, consciousness and universal energy field cause potential healing.
The law of attraction, popularly depicted through the movie ‘The Secret’, works hand in hand with this belief. Positive thoughts are believed to be powerful enough to encourage their materialization in the plane of consciousness around. Extensive studies conducted on this fact have proven that a single thought actually has a particular weight!
Extraordinary feats are expected to be accomplished in the next few years in the field of Noetic science, and maybe, in the very near future, we may be able to heal cancer just by the power of ‘thought’.