The report from the National Bureau of Economic Research revealed that 'coital frequency' of people could diminish with rising temperatures.

‘Nine months after a hot day, the birth rate is 0.7% lower than it would be after a cooler day. This suggests that rising temperatures either reduces fertility, decrease appetite for sexual intercourse or, quite possibly, both.’

The researchers said, "Extreme heat leads to a sizeable fall in births. Temperature extremes could affect coital frequency. It could affect hormone levels and sex drives. Alternatively, high temperatures may adversely affect reproductive health or semen quality on the male side, or ovulation on the female side."

Tulane University's report author Alan Barreca said, "The decline in birth rates is a very serious issue for countries, like the United States and the UK, which have below-replacement birth rates. This will put a lot of strain on social insurance programs, like social security, because it will create large imbalances in the make-up of the population."