Gold knee is one of the best implants available and is the most successful too, as it increases the life of the implant and prevents allergic reactions.

Despite regular visits to the doctor and physiotherapist, her condition remained the unchanged. She heard through her friends about the new gold knee implant which, unlike other knee replacements, has the advantage of not being corrosion-free.
Kore visited leading orthopaedic surgeon Amit Tyagi, who is associated with the Atlanta hospital at Vasundhara in Ghaziabad. She was briefed about the gold knee and its advantages which convinced her to undergo the knee surgery and get gold knee implant done.
"I was not just briefed about the gold knee by the doctor but also told about the poor quality of various other transplants and the side-effects. So, I got the most effective gold knee implant done. I feel much better and can even walk around without support and pain," said Kore.
According to doctors, knee-replacement surgery is fairly common in India and it is a permanent solution for knee-related problems, especially acute arthritis.
"Gold knee is one of the best implants available these days and is the most successful too. It not only increases the life of the implant but also prevents any allergic reactions," said Tyagi.
However, he said the gold knee replacement procedure lasts from 40 to 50 minutes and if the patient does not have any other health complications, then he/she can start walking in two to three days.