
Feng Shui Triggered A Jackpot Victory For Oz Policeman

by Tanya Thomas on Feb 25 2010 8:11 AM

Gluing a gold coin on your front door may help you win a jackpot - a Sydney ex-cop followed this feng shui-inspired trick to win a house worth more than 1.

Gluing a gold coin on your front door may help you win a jackpot - a Sydney ex-cop followed this feng shui-inspired trick to win a house worth more than 1.2million dollars at the BoysTown charity lotto.

According to Aussie feng shui expert Elizabeth Wiggins, who has placed coins under her front door mat, the man's win was more about the positive mindset he attached to the coin.

"I have coins in my front door, but that doesn't mean they are going to win a million bucks," the Sydney Morning Herald quoted her, as saying.

She went on: "Is this part of traditional feng shui? No it's not.

"Gold represents wealth, anything that is gold is considered auspicious [by the Chinese], and the coin represents money as well. If he believes that gold coin will give him money, he'll attract that kind of money."

Wiggins pointed out that feng shui practitioners believe in three types of luck: heaven luck relates to when a person is born; earth luck is a person's relationship with their environment; and man luck is how a person lives their life.

She said the lottery winner could have been practising his man luck.

She explained: "There are so many factors at play. There might be a trigger in his Chinese astrology that unconventional money was coming his way.

"It comes down to the choice of the way we think ... and it's about positive symbolism. Your thoughts represent your reality, so if such symbols help you to do that [be positive], then that's fantastic.

"[But] the really important thing is the action that he took - to buy the tickets. If he didn't buy the tickets, he wouldn't have won."

The man, aged in his 50s, revealed he had also won two lotto prizes worth over 1000 dollars after sticking the coin to his doorstep, a step he took after reading an article on feng shui.

And then the ticket in the BoysTown lotto, won him a Sunshine Coast house worth over a million dollars. He also won 75,000 dollars in gold bullion.












