Hundreds of thousands of children each year are dying due to a surge of poor-quality or outright fake medicines.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined three types of falsified and substandard medical products.
"Falsified medical products" deliberately misrepresent their identity, composition or source.
"Substandard medical products" are regulated drugs that somehow fail to meet quality standards or specifications -- for example, they have less than needed amounts of an active pharmaceutical ingredient.
"Unregistered or unlicensed medical products" are untested and unapproved drugs.
The number of falsified and substandard medical products is on the rise, according to Breman and his co-authors on the report.
Just 10 years later, Pfizer found 95 fakes in 113 countries.
Over the past decade, academics and nonprofits have raised awareness of the issue, while the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Interpol and WHO have convened to address the problem of falsified and substandard drugs, he said.