Entrepreneurs must monitor workplace productivity especially when employees are overexcited over the London Olympics, claim experts.

Having a written policy for Web browsing limitations is something every business should have as a part of its company handbook, Bousfield said, and this should be redistributed and discussed leading up to the event.
"It can be informal, but you can and should remind your workers about your guidelines," Fox News quoted him as saying.
"As companies get bigger, it's important to document internet policy," he said.
According to him, curiosity about the event will last for the rest of the summer, so talk to your employees about when and how they are surfing the Web.
While you can't actually limit what they are talking about, reminding workers to limit their conversation to lunch time and breaks is also an option.
"But it's an issue when people are visibly abusing the system. Your other workers may feel, 'why should I try hard if they aren't doing their work?' This is a drain on morale," Bousfield said.
To drive the point home, Bousfield said to remind your workers what is at stake.
"Give them a case study or example of what kind of things can happen if you were to get a virus," he said.
"Explain the consequences to them- most people have high integrity," he added.