Sports drink contains caffeine, glucose or any sugar, minerals, fruit extract. It is now found that ingredients other caffeine changes heart beat rate.

‘Ingredients other than caffeine in sports drinks increases blood pressure and alters the electric activity of the heart.’

"We decided to study energy drinks' potential heart health impact because previous research has shown 75 percent of the base's military personnel have consumed an energy drink. And nearly 15 percent of military personnel, in general, drink three cans a day when deployed, which is more than we studied here," said Emily A. Fletcher, Pharm.D., study author and deputy pharmacy flight commander from David Grant U.S.A.F. Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base in California. 

Eighteen young participants were randomly divided into two groups. The first group received 32 ounces of a commercially-available energy drink (containing 108 g of sugar, 320 mg of caffeine, and various other compounds).
The second group was given a control drink containing 320 mg of caffeine, 40 ml of lime juice and 140 ml of cherry syrup in carbonated water. After a six-day washout period, participants switched drinks.
Researchers measured the electrical activity of the volunteers' hearts by electrocardiogram. They also measured their peripheral and central blood pressures at the study's start and at one, two, four, six and 24 hours after drink consumption.
"Peripheral blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure in an outlying artery, typically an upper arm. Central blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure in the aorta near the heart," she said.
They found that, when compared to the caffeine group, those in the energy drink group had a corrected QT interval 10-milliseconds higher at 2 hours.
"If this time interval, which is measured in milliseconds, is either too short or too long, it can cause the heart to beat abnormally. The resulting arrhythmia can be life threatening."
To put the 10-millisecond difference in perspective, there are medications that affect the corrected QT interval by 6 milliseconds and have warnings about the effect on product labels, Fletcher said.
While both the energy drink and caffeine-only groups had similar increases in systolic blood pressure, systolic pressures in the caffeine group had almost returned to their original readings after six hours.
"On the other hand, those who consumed the energy drinks still had a mildly elevated blood pressure after six hours," Fletcher said. "This suggests that ingredients other than caffeine may have some blood pressure altering effects, but this needs further evaluation."
Based on this preliminary evidence in young, healthy adults, people who have high blood pressure, underlying cardiac conditions or other health issues might want to avoid or use caution when consuming energy drinks until more is known about their impact on heart health, Fletcher said.