Research suggests that Elbasvir-grazoprevir treatment help in Hepatitis C infections in patients with opioid agonist therapy.

The Hepatitis C treatment on Opioid substitution therapy trial helps to evaluate the saftey and effectiveness of elbasvir - grazoprevir in injection drug users.
Researchers assigned 301 patients with chronic HCV genotype 1,4 or 6 infections who were adherent for 80% of opioid agonist treatment with elbasvir- grazoprevir treatment for 12 weeks or treated with a placebo for 12 weeks followed by open label elbasvir- grazoprevir for 12 weeks. The results found reported that 91.5 % of the patients in immediate treatment group achieved sustained virologic response regardless of ongoing drug use.
The research therefore supports that removing drug use serves as a barrier or restriction for receiving Hepatitis C treatment.