New drugs targeting ORP2 protein which is responsible for transporting cholesterol inside the cells, could improve the body's good cholesterol levels.

‘Drugs acting through the protein ORP2 could increase good cholesterol and aid to fight cancer.’
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Until now, drugs including statins have targeted bad cholesterol (LDL) by inhibiting its synthesis in the liver in an effort to mitigate the risk of heart disease and stroke. Read More..

However, while statins are effective at lowering LDL levels, they do little to increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and there is no other drug in use that can significantly boost the human body's HDL levels.
Up to 90 per cent of a cell's cholesterol is found at the cell's plasma membrane, said the study published in the journal Molecular Cell.
"Knowing the molecules that deliver cholesterol to the plasma membrane itself is a huge step forward. The transport of cholesterol to the plasma membrane is the key to the generation of HDL.
If such a drug could be developed, it would not replace statins, but would be used complementarily, with one drug used to reduce the bad cholesterol and the other to increase levels of the good, Yang suggested.
The rampant and uncontrolled growth of cells that characterises cancer could be stopped in its tracks by reducing the amount of cholesterol produced.