Significant drop in China's air pollution level increases their citizen's life expectancy, finds a new study.

‘China is the largest coal producer worldwide and burns half of it itself causing severe air pollution. But, China has closed many coal-fired power plants and shifted to natural gas heating over the years. ’
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Air pollution kills over a million in China where the average life expectancy is 76.4 years. Read More..

A study by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago says that the life expectancy of Chinese citizens has been extended by half a year due to a significant drop in the PM 2.5 density.
The Air Quality Index indicates that China's PM 2.5 density fell by 12 percent between 2013 and 2016, a pollution reduction equivalent to an additional half-a-year to the average lifespan.
"Tianjin, one of the three most polluted Chinese cities in 2013, saw a decline of 14 percent PM 2.5 density in 2016. If this improvement is maintained, 13 million citizens living in the city are expected to see their average lifespan increase by 1.2 years," the study said.
In China's central province Henan, statistics showed that the length of time people are exposed to PM 2.5 in the region is down 20 percent compared with 2013, meaning they could live an average of 1.3 years longer.
Green activists, often critical of China, have acknowledged Beijing's efforts.
Until 2009, 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities were in China. This year, the first 14, including New Delhi, are in India, and only the last four minus Beijing are in China.