
Does Everybody Respond to Exercise at the Same Level?

by Dr. Jayashree Gopinath on Oct 18 2021 9:51 PM

 Does Everybody Respond to Exercise at the Same Level?
Genes play a significant role in the way bodies respond to exercise, according to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE.
Scientists analyzed data from 3,012 adults aged 18-55 - who had not previously taken part in exercise training to determine how our genes can affect three important types of physical exercise.

All participants showed improvements following their exercise training, but to varying degrees even when performing the same exercise training.

Therefore, after combining data from 24 separate studies, those genetic differences are responsible for 72 percent of the variation in outcomes for people following identical exercises. The rest is influenced by other factors such as diet and nutrition, recovery, and injuries. They also identified thirteen genes and associated alleles responsible for how well the body reacts to various fitness activities.

These results highlight that a certain degree of customization is needed in workouts. As everyone's genetic make-up is different, our bodies respond slightly differently to the same exercises.

Moving forward, the researchers propose to improve the effectiveness of an exercise regime by identifying someone's genotype and then tailoring a specific training program just for them.

Generic "one-size-fits-all" training programs could have little value if they are implementing interventions that are not suited to a person’s unique genotype.


