
Doctors Use Thigh Fat to Form Breast for a 23-year-old Woman

by Julia Samuel on Mar 23 2015 2:31 PM

The patient was suffering from Poland syndrome, a genetic condition, that causes absence of breast growth in just one side of the body.

Doctors Use Thigh Fat to Form Breast for a 23-year-old Woman
Doctors at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi, India, used fat from the thigh to construct a natural breast for a 23-year-old woman. The patient suffered from the Poland Syndrome, a rare birth defect which results in underdeveloped or absence of the chest muscle on one side of the body.
Dr.Vivek Kumar, consultant at the department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, said, "Poland syndrome is a genetic problem that typically appears during a girl’s teenage years. It causes absence of breast growth in just one side of the body and lack of chest muscles. The patient was depressed because of her asymmetrical body. This affected her self-confidence badly. She was no longer a buoyant girl. World seemed to get shattered for her and life seemed too dull, as if it had lost the meaning,” said Dr Kumar.

She consulted surgeons for a cosmetic surgery and Dr.Kumar, suggested fat grafting. Fat transfer or fat grafting is a natural and marginally invasive surgery. A small percentage of fat from the thighs, stomach or buttocks is removed and the healthy fat cells are isolated before being transferred to the region of the body that is deficient in volume.

“Fat grafting is the latest technique for breast augmentation and has reached India recently. When implemented appropriately, it can enrich the size and shape of the breasts. Fat grafting is a superb way to fine-tune breast size for irregularity and can correct the all-famous Poland Syndrome. Apart from this, it is being used for many other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of breast,” said Dr Kumar. “During the surgery, we injected 450 ml of autologous fat into the left breast, which was taken from her thigh. While injecting the fat, we took care that it is dispersed evenly. Extra precautions were taken to inject fat into soft cavities and not into chest cavity,“ he said.

The sessions of fat transfer surgery were completed successfully and she was asked to follow a regimen of post-operative care of two to three weeks and was fully recovered by the end of the third week, added Kumar.










