What treatment a doctor recommends for advanced cancer not only depends on medical aspects but depends on his relationship to the individual patients and his own view of their

One of the most difficult challenges in medicine
"Treatment decisions in advanced, life-threatening diseases are among the most difficult challenges in medicine", says Jan Schildmann, head of the North Rhine-Westphalian junior research group "Medical Ethics at the End of Life: Norm and Empiricism". Often scientific data on the benefits and harm of therapies in such situations is scarce. At the RUB Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Jochen Vollmann, the scientists investigated how the cancer patients evaluated the explanation of potential therapies and what criteria the doctors based their decisions on. To this end, the researchers interviewed physicians working in medical oncology and cancer patients, and qualitatively evaluated the discussions.
Personal values influence treatment recommendations of doctors
When making decisions for or against a therapy, in addition to medical factors, the age and life situation of patients played a role – for example, whether they had a family. Thus, one of the doctors participating in the interview study said: "I think instinctively you feel that this is a young patient with a young family you need to make even more effort to try and help them live for a bit longer." The doctors also made comparisons to their own age and their own life situation. "I most recently had a young woman ... with teenage daughters, the same age as my daughters, so there was a kind of sense of ... it shouldn't influence, but you can picture the person the same as yourself", as an example from one of the interviews. The results of the studies carried out in England are consistent with previously published results from Germany.
The wishes of the patients change over the course of the disease
Reflecting value judgements