
Detox is The New Mantra for Weight Loss in 2011

by Savitha C Muppala on Jan 3 2011 6:39 PM

 Detox is The New Mantra for Weight Loss in 2011
To give a fillip to the New Year resolutions that revolve around losing weight and, getting in shape, it may be good to start any weight loss programme with detoxification.
Though researchers are divided about the effects of detoxification in the absence of conclusive evidence, yet, many strongly believe that detoxification is a good way to improve metabolism, get a glowing complexion, shed weight, and generally feel great.

So, how does one start this process of detoxification? You can start by either giving up or abstaining (for a certain period) from meat, caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, refined sugars, and processed foods. This cleanses the system, gives a boost to metabolism and energy levels, and can help lose weight.

Include as many raw vegetables and greens in your diet as possible. Fibrous foods accelerate waste removal from the body. Keep the protein intake organic and natural. Drink a lot of water, atleast eight glasses a day. This helps the skin and digestive system to flush out toxins. Take up some form of exercise like yoga, swimming or walking. This energizes the body, improves circulation and flexibility, burns calories and helps you lose weight.

