Drinking four cups of coffee every day can be a healthy addiction, particularly in older adults. Caffeine can help protect and repair heart muscles and prevent older adults from cardiovascular diseases.

‘Caffeine can help protect and repair heart muscles and prevent older adults from cardiovascular diseases.’

The protein called p27, an inhibitor of the cell cycle, was present in mitochondria in the major cell types of the heart. 

In these cells, mitochondrial p27 promoted migration of endothelial cells, protected heart muscle cells from cell death and triggered the conversion of fibroblasts into cells containing contractile fibers all crucial for repair of heart muscle after myocardial infarction or heart attack, and did so at a concentration that is reached in humans by drinking four cups of coffee, the researchers said.
"Our results indicate a new mode of action for caffeine, one that promotes protection and repair of heart muscle through the action of mitochondrial p27," said Judith Haendeler from Heinrich-Heine-University's Medical Faculty in Germany.
"Enhancing mitochondrial p27 could serve as a potential therapeutic strategy not only in cardiovascular diseases but also in improving health span," she added.
In the study, published in the journal PLOS Biology, the team found that caffeine was protective against heart damage in pre-diabetic, obese mice, and in aged mice.