
Bigorexia: Higher Notion of Self-Perceived Masculinity

by Kathy Jones on Mar 28 2013 9:03 PM

 Bigorexia: Higher Notion of Self-Perceived Masculinity
A new study published in the Journal of Eating Disorders reveals that people who suffer from muscle dysmorphia, popularly called bigorexia, have a higher notion of self perceived masculinity compared to other men who are regular gym visitors.
The study was conducted by researchers at University of Sydney and the Australian National University who asked a group of men to fill out a questionnaire and found that those who suffered from anorexia nervosa related more strongly to feminine stereotypes.

“The research results do not mean that that the men with anorexia were any less masculine, nor that the men with muscle dysmorphia were less feminine than the control subjects recruited. It is however an indication of the increasing pressures men are under to define their masculinity in the modern world”, lead researcher Dr Stuart Murray said.

