The male life expectancy has rose to 80.3 years, up from 80.1 in 2013, while females are now expected to live until they are 84.4 years of age.
The life expectancy of people living in Australia has hit record highs, according to the figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Babies born in 2015 are said to be lucky in Australia. Its because they are touted to live beyond 80 years than any previous generation in the country.
‘When compared with countries like the UK, the US and New Zealand, Australia has the highest life expectancy rates where both men and women have a life expectancy of 80 years.’
The statistics has showed that the male life expectancy has rose to 80.3 years, up from 80.1 in 2013, while females are now expected to live until they are 84.4 years of age.Beidar Cho of the statistics agency said, “Australians had one of the highest life expectancy in the world as there are only six other countries worldwide where both men and women have a life expectancy over 80 years. These countries are Japan, Italy, Switzerland, Iceland, Israel and Sweden."
Cho said that compared to other nations of similar demographics, Australia has the highest life expectancy.
"Australia has a higher life expectancy, at both the male and female level, than many similar countries to ours, such as New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America," he added.
The statistics agency also said that the number of registered deaths in Australia rose 4 percent to 153,580 in 2014 from 147,678 in 2013, which it said is "indicative of Australia's growing and aging population."