People are disinclined to help charities either through volunteering or fundraising, reveals a survey carried out by Parkinson’s UK.
People are disinclined to help charities either through volunteering or fundraising, reveals a survey carried out by Parkinson’s UK. With more than 120,000 people in the UK with Parkinson's disease, a degenerative neurological condition which cannot be cured, more people are needed to help out in giving support and care. Steve Ford, Chief Executive of Parkinson’s UK, said: “As part of this year’s Parkinson’s Awareness Week we’re asking even more people to join us in making sure that no one has to face Parkinson’s alone.
Yet, the survey brought out the fact that a third of people in South Wales have no interest in helping out in any way. Half of the people interviewed said they had never fundraised and 57 per cent said they had never volunteered. 45% of people felt they would rather volunteer than fundraise, while one-in-five were ready to fundraise if they knew where to get information.
The percentages in Scotland did not differ much. 31per cent of Scots say they have no interest in helping charities. 46 per cent admit they have never fundraised while 2 out of 3 say they have never volunteered. 17 per cent of those who did say they wanted to fundraise needed to know where to look for information. And an encouraging 69 per cent do express an interest in helping through volunteering and fundraising.
Parkinson’s UK said those who volunteer admit to a feeling a sense of satisfaction and personal achievement from doing so. Interestingly, one in ten of people who fundraised viewed it as a beneficial addition to their CV to impress employers.
Meanwhile, the charity organization is urging more people to volunteer and help out by visiting or joining parkinsons.
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