An anorexic teenager in Britain was told that she was just 12 hours from dying before she overcame her body issues

She was taken to a hospital by her mother where she was diagnosed with anorexia and hospitalized and after four months of intensive therapy, her weight increased to 10lb. However she soon slipped back to her old ways and weighed just 4st 13lb when she was once again hospitalized at 16. Doctors warned her that she was just 12 hours away from her heart giving out.
“My mum made me see that I didn’t want to die. It has been incredibly hard, but I’ve now got over all my body issues – and I’m delighted with my ginger hair just as it is”, Annabel, 20, said. She has now passed her exams to be qualified as a hairdresser and is also organizing a sky dive for anorexia charity Beat.