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Anesthesia - History and Origins

Anaesthesia Milestones

1847 Sir James Young Simpson a Scottish physician introduced chloroform as an anesthetic agent during childbirth. Chloroform was first used on Queen Victoria, during her eighth delivery.
1847 Edward H. Barton at Vera Cruz, Mexico was the first to use sulfuric ether as the anesthetic agent for a leg amputation during wartime.
1856 John Snow, an English physician designed the chloroform inhaler, which delivered the anesthetic agent at optimum levels. He was the first to perform endotracheal anesthesia on a rabbit.
1860 Etienne Jules Marey a French physician discovered the sphygmographe. This device helped to record the pulse form on the forearm.
1870 Joseph T Clover an English surgeon improved the techniques of gas delivery and cautioned the physicians to monitor the vital signs.
1875 Claude Bernard a French physiologist Discovered the nerve muscle blocking action and the introduced the use of mixed anesthesia.
1878 Paul Bert the French physiologist along with the American surgeon Edmund W Andrews introduced nitrous oxide in Anesthesiology.
1907 Frederick J. Cotton and Walter M. Boothby invented an apparatus for the delivery of nitrous oxide, ether and oxygen.
1908 A.D Waller designs the chloroform balance, which determines the concentration of the vapor, received by the patient.
1910 Lincoln F. Sise invented the apparatus “introducer” for insertion of lumbar puncture needles.
1936 American society of Anesthetist was founded.
