
Appendectomy / Appendecetomy - Indications For Surgery

Appendectomy - Indications For Surgery

Appendectomy is usually an emergency surgical procedure performed when the patient suffers from appendicitis. It is important to undergo the surgery before a hole or perforation develops in the wall of the appendix. This can lead to spreading of infection to the entire abdominal cavity causing what is known as Peritonitis (i.e. the inflammation of the lining of the abdomen).

How do we know the symptoms of Appendicitis and seek help from the doctor?

  1. Abdominal pain is usually felt in the lower right side
  2. Mild Fever
  3. Reduced appetite
  4. Nausea & vomiting
  5. Constipation

The consulting doctor has no test to confirm appendicitis. Similar symptoms may be caused by other illnesses. Hence it’s important to be very accurate with the information to the doctor.

The doctor then does the following Checks:

  • Checks the abdomen for tenderness and tightness, especially the right lower side.
  • Checks the rectum for tenderness and an enlarged appendix.
  • Checks the blood for an increase in white blood cells (WBC).

If the patient were a woman he may perform a vaginal examination to exclude pain caused by the ovaries or uterus.

Sometimes if the appendix has repeated low-grade infection and inflammation, a condition called Chronic Appendicitis develops and a routine appendectomy procedure is performed.
