Parenting Skills in the New Year
Stepping into a New Year means new promises and resolutions. As a parent, you may want to know some interesting tips for powering up your parenting skills to add to your New Year Resolutions list. Taking time to think over parenting strategies means making life more enjoyable and enriching with children. Even the best parents have a list of oaths for improving the quality of parenting.
New Year Resolutions
Often, many think ‘Why Do People Make New Year Resolutions.’ But, it is momentous to make meaningful and essential resolutions at the start of a big, new, year. And it is even more important to follow them till the end of the year. Habitually, parents in their busy schedule forget on what they have resolved upon. Good to keep these noted or printed on small flash card formats. Better still; keep them hand-written in a personal notebook.

Some apparent New Year resolutions for parents are listed below.
Paying Attention To Kids
Listening to what the child has to say is very important. Even in the midst of some work, it is significant when the parent stops, turns over to the child and listens to what he/ she has to say. This brings a sense of importance, a sense of belonging and a sense of worthiness to the child. Never neglect the child. Wait for the child to finish his explanation.
Keep Up The Word
Children are firm when they are bound to get what they want. They demand, cry, whine, plead and do all that is possible. Being a parent, you cannot always bend to their requests, as theirs are boundless. If it is a ‘No’, stick to the word. If it is ‘Yes’, keep the promise. If more time is necessary to think over the request, it is best to say: ‘I need time to think’. Often, children need to be taught to live non-negotiable. They grow as happier individuals.

Patience till the 10th Count
When children go overboard and test the parents’ patience, it is ideal to count to 10. Do not react instantaneously. Avoid threats, punishments and judgments. Think and act – taking that extra time to think will help show the ideal reaction. The one that will make the child understand that he has wronged.
A Big No To Hollow Threats
Children today are clever enough to figure out if their parents are sincere or not. So, do not try to threaten the child when they are at pranks. Especially, hollow threats like I’ll give away your toy to the next door kid.’ or ‘I wouldn’t take you for the day out at the mall’. Always make threats that are realistic and those you can exhibit.
Being Good To Self
Taking care of the self is much essential in being a good parent. Turn down big official responsibilities. Take a day off from work, relax the senses, and treat the self well. Getting some personal time means a better person, leads to being a better parent and will certainly help the whole family.
New Year Resolution For Family
"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." - Benjamin Franklin
Children grow up watching parents. The mother and father become their role models. It becomes vital for parents to follow set guidelines in order to make a healthy lifestyle. Here are 10 tips for your New Year resolutions and certainly do make them work!

- Choose the most important goal for the New year
- Do not compare with other parents
- Stop starving with too many diet plans
- Allow kids to try new things; Do not restrict them too much
- Make the habit of speaking to children before they go to sleep. It provides a great bonding time.
- Never neglect to spend time with your partner. This is of great significance as it makes a better bonding.
- Avoid temptations with leftover chicken nuggets and fries; It adds to fat and cholesterol
- Do not over commit to activities; spend more time with the kids and family
- Don’t over-spend time on housework; Try getting yourself around with nature and your garden
- Early to bed, early to rise and exercise keep a healthy and fit body and mind
New Year Resolutions For Children
It is ideal to teach kids between the ages of 7 and 12 to make resolutions. As parents, it is good to teach the child to make, keep and practice resolutions. Few tips to keep children going with their resolutions:
- Have a positive attitude toward resolutions
- Resolutions should not be dictated
- Size down the list of resolutions to two or three
- Big resolutions must be approached with smaller steps; Never be hasty
- Never nag children around resolutions
- Making resolutions a ritual helps much

Happy time to all parents with writing resolutions and making them work.
Awesome Resolution filled New Year 2019!