Superfoods That Make You Live Longer

Superfoods That Make You Live Longer

Foods For Longevity

The biological age indicates the physical and the functional state of the body. It is different from chronological age, which shows life on Earth. Telomeres are the caps at the ends of our chromosomes or DNA strands, to protect them. If the telemores shortens, DNA is no more protected.

Aging can be reversed at the cellular level by lengthening the telemores. Few processes that define aging process are:

Foods For Longevity
  • Aging of cells or Cell senescence
  • Reduced production of cellular energy
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Excessive body weight
  • Reduced Circulation
  • Toxin build-up in organ tissue
  • Protein degradation
  • Systematic inflammation
  • Disturbance in energy flows
  • Decreased circulation in lymph system
  • Weak immunity and sugar metabolism

Do you want to see more candles on your cake? Simple dietary inclusions of anti-aging foods can bless you with long and healthy biological life.


Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) helps to efficiently convert food to energy. This compound prevents some of the genetic changes that are linked to aging. Lower rates of age-related disease can presumably push the life span forward. NMN can improve the function of mitochondria and retina function. It supports immune system and bone density. NMN can reverse arterial dysfunction by decreasing oxidative stress. NMN food sources are broccoli, cabbage, avocado, cucumber, tomato.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide Compound) Present in Broccoli Supports Immune System

Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) or amla has been traditionally known to promote longevity and it arrests aging process. Amla has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic and anti-hepatoxic properties. Amla protects cells against oxidative stress by using mitochondrial enhanced spare respiratory capacity. This helps to produce more energy. It is nephroprotective (kidney protection) and cardioprotective. Hypolipidemic agent treats high levels of fats. Drink 4 to 6 spoon of amla juice once or twice daily.



Turmeric contains an antioxidant called curcumin which helps increase lifespan. This effect is associated with enhanced superoxide dismutase activity. In a 2014 study, it was seen that turmeric helped to increase the life span of Drosophila flies. Turmeric contains more antioxidant properties and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activities than amla. ROS are chemically reactive chemical species containing oxygen that has potential to damage healthy cells. The study was published by Shilpa Rawal and colleagues in BioMed Research International. Turmeric can be consumed with warm water. Combine turmeric with either one of them -black pepper, heat, fat, to increase the bioavailability of turmeric.

Curcumin - An Antioxidant Present in Turmeric Helps Increase Lifespan


Garlic can fight gangrene, cold and flu, cancer and colonies of harmful bacteria. Garlic has antiviral, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that make it a potent immune booster. Garlic can help you to live longer. It is recommended to use aged garlic. Aged garlic can prolong longevity, prevents physiological aging and improve spatial memory deficit.


Berries such as, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries have been linked to longevity.

  • One of the Chinese longevity secrets is goji berries. It is a high-antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food.
  • Drinking cranberry juice every morning can help reduce stress and increase longevity. Phytochemicals in cranberry, include proanthocyanidin oligomers, flavonols, anthocyanin glycosides, and triterpenoids.
  • Blueberry extracts have shown robust DNA repair properties. Aging is linked to faulty DNA repair. Research showed that blueberry polyphenols increased the mean lifespan of worms by 28%.

Berries of all shape and hue promote health due to their rich phytonutrient and antioxidant properties. About 2-3 servings of berries can boost immunity and keep off life-threatening diseases.

Cranberry Juice Can Help Reduce Stress & Increase Longevity

Nuts & Seeds

Nuts like walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, and pistachios help to extend lifespan. Nuts are rich in vitamins, selenium, fiber, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants that reduce the risk of respiratory and cardiac diseases and promote healthy lipid profile.

Seeds like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and sesame seeds provide several health benefits when consumed regularly. They are also rich in omega fatty acids that helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cardiac death.


Liu JJ and his team studied the link between coffee consumption and telomere length among female nurses. The study was published in ‘The Journal Of Nutrition’ in 2016. Higher coffee consumption is associated with longer telomeres, meaning, coffee consumption positively affects health and longevity. Several studies indicate that caffeine improves lifespan and health. Other food sources of caffeine are chocolate and tea. Caffeine consumption fights chronic inflammatory processes that can be linked to diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, cancers, and dementia.

There are other compounds in tea, coffee and chocolate that promotes health. Daily recommended caffeine intake for adults is 300-400mg. Caffeine is not recommended for children under 12.


Holy Basil

Holy basil or tulsi has been used in several immunity boosting herbal formulations. Holy basil is considered the elixir of life. One can chew few basil leaves once or twice a day for energy, vigor and vitality. Tulsi gives out oxygen for 20 hours and ozone for four hours a day along with the formation of nascent oxygen which absorbs harmful gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide from the environment.

Chew Few Leaves of Basil Twice a Day for Overall Well-being

Red, Purple Fruits and Vegetables

Purple and red fruits and vegetables are good for longevity. They are rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids and other phytonutrients. Pomegranate, plums, red bell pepper, sweet potato, purple cabbage few such foods. The flavonoids help to dissolve clots, support heart function, scavenge free radicals, and fight inflammation that can lead to shortening of life.

Do not forget to include supplements of Vitamin D and proteolytic enzymes. The latter breakdowns rogue proteins in the bloodstream and in the body’s soft tissues. These enzymes dissolve blood clots and controls inflammation. Chew your food well, because immune cell - the Th17 cell, is stimulated during chewing.

Tips to Add Years to Life

  • Stop sitting so much. For every 20 minutes of sitting, stand for 8-10 minutes at least.
  • Run, stand and walk
  • Be positive and happy Be social and volunteer
  • Sleep well

“It is not important how long we live but how well we Live. Add Meaning to your Life each day.” - RVM

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