
How can Pica be Treated?

How can Pica be Treated?

Treatment of pica involves a combination therapy involving nutritional and behavioral aspects. Promoting the intake of nutritious food and increasing iron intake are two widely recommended treatment regimes. There is also a general notion that pica tends to disappear with age.

Supplementation of the appropriate micronutrient has been known to improve the clinical condition of the victim. For example, oral supplementation of zinc in dwarfs has been reported to enhance sexual maturation and improve growth rates in dwarfs of the Middle Eastern origin. Additionally, iron supplementation reversed the anemia and restored general well being in these individuals.

Although pica has treated by the use of physical restraint devices such as masks and other devices in the past, this form of treatment is considered inappropriate in modern times. Moreover it is considered ineffective as sufferers/ practitioners do not mind travelling great distances or spending money in obtaining specific substances that they crave for. Attempts to restrain them are often unsuccessful and only leads to aggression.


Modem psychotherapy is another commonly used treatment modality but frequently employs overcorrection techniques, making it less ideal. Negative reinforcement, where the pica victim is punished with mouth wash-outs for indulgence of the craving can have disastrous consequences on the mental status of the individual. On the other hand, offering a reward for the absence of pica with pleasant foods is more acceptable. This kind of treatment is considered positive reinforcement and discourages pica behavior more effectively. It is very important to excise great caution while administering the above forms of behavioral treatments, since it can even lead to regression of pica.

A multi-disciplinary approach involving psychologists, nutrition therapists and the treating physician is a necessary step to better understand the enigma of non-food consumption.
