
Top 8 Fun Ways to Make Water Taste Better - Slideshow

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We all are aware that drinking more water is essential to keep you hydrated and for your body to function properly. However, not everybody enjoys drinking plain water.

Do you also find water boring? Then try to give your drinking water a flavor boost to make it taste better. Here are a few creative and fun ways to make your boring water tasty.

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Toss in Some Fresh Fruits

Adding fresh fruits to your water makes drinking water more enjoyable. While citrus fruits such as oranges, lemon and limes are the classic water enhancers, you can also try other fruit flavors that might appeal to your taste buds.

Slice or cube up some fresh fruit and leave it into your water for a little color and flavor. Berries, watermelon, mango, pineapple, orange, and kiwi are just a few of the colorful fruits which make excellent additions to a glass of cool and refreshing water.

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Add a Splash of Juice

Although any fruit juice can be a great base flavor for water, tart juices, such as cranberry, grape, lemon, lime, apple, and, pomegranate are especially delicious.

Opt for juices that are all natural, with no added sugars. Fruits and their juices don't only taste good but also contain vitamins and antioxidants that can benefit your health.
You can further make it more interesting by pairing up with complimentary fruit slices.

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Make it Fizzy

If plain old water isn't inspiring you, try some sparkling or carbonated water. You can reap few of the similar health benefits of plain water while enjoying a refreshing and bubbly beverage.

Alike adding fruits and juice into your water, you can also add the fruits and juices into your sparkling or carbonated water.

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Get Creative with Ice

Ditch the boring water and use flavored ice cubes, to bump up the flavor, keep your drink cold, and get more nutrients from your everyday water intake.

Simply chop the additive of your choice, add it to your ice cube tray along with water, then freeze. You may also consider adding tea, juice, or coffee cubes. If you want to be more artistic, use ice cube trays that come in fun shapes, like hearts, stars, fish or even fruit shaped.

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Drink a Cup of Tea

Drinking tea can count toward your daily fluid intake, too. Tea is a great option which makes a perfect substitution for caffeinated beverages.

Herbal, green, fruit, red, and white teas are generally considered to be better for you than black tea or coffee as they contain limited to no caffeine. Also, there are many flavors of these teas you can choose from.

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Try Bouillons or Broths

If your palate inclines toward the savory, you may pass on tea and start drinking one of those hot and savory liquids preferably.

Choose low-sodium and low-fat versions for maximum health benefits. As soup is water-based, a cup of hot soup will contribute towards your daily water consumption.

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Use Herbs

Using herbs or leaves is another way to make water taste better. Herbs are a great alternative to punch up the flavor of plain water. Spike your water using fresh herbs such as basil, lemongrass, lavender, or peppermint as it can instantly lend a lot of flavor to your water. The water tastes similar to a mojito.

Steep herbs in the water for the entire night, and don't forget some lime or lemon juice in the morning to make it even better. Get creative with your herbs and try different combinations to keep things interesting.

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Spice it Up

Cinnamon sticks do spice up your water. Not only does the flavored cinnamon water tastes amazing, but cinnamon also has various health benefits that can help in decreasing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Just boil a piece of cinnamon stick in a cup of water, and use that water as a concentrated formula that you can blend with cold water.

  1. Introduction
  2. Toss in Some Fresh Fruits
  3. Add a Splash of Juice
  4. Make it Fizzy
  5. Get Creative with Ice
  6. Drink a Cup of Tea
  7. Try Bouillons or Broths
  8. Use Herbs
  9. Spice it Up











