A 44-year old woman in Michigan came to know that she was pregnant on the day she delivered a 10-pound baby.

The couple told that Linda suffered from a condition known as necrotizing fasciitis, also known as flesh eating bacteria, in February 2011. While they initially believed that Linda was suffering from a stroke, the doctors told that she was infected with the bacteria in her abdomen and with the help of National Necrotizing Fasciitis website, she underwent treatment.
However during the surgery, a part of her stomach muscles were removed, which meant that Linda often thought her muscles were contracting or expanding whenever she felt something strange in her stomach. She also did not gain any weight during the pregnancy and always had irregular periods.
“Some people have nine months to prepare. I had (15) hours. I wish someone would have taken a picture of my face. I was happy and shocked at the same time, and scared”, Mike said.