Indian women should not delay child bearing as their ovaries age faster as compared to Caucasian women, says a new study.

While the study states that a significantly high number of women suffering from infertility are over the age of 31, it also raises concerns that the biggest cause is a Poor Ovarian Response (POR) in women.
According to the study, 68 percent of women seeking fertility treatments were aged 31 and above with a staggering 36 percent being between 31 and 35 and 32 percent above the age of 35.
The latest study reveals that 30 percent of women need to depend on donor eggs to get pregnant. This is simply because they approach an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) expert at a time when their ovarian reserve is already poor. This is further emphasised by the findings that show treatments involving egg donation account for more than 25 percent of all cycles.
Authors said that over the last three years, vitrification has emerged as a highly successful technique for preserving and using surplus embryos with pregnancy rates increasing from 32 percent to 51 percent. This accounts for nearly 39 percent of all cycles.
The study revealed surprising information that a large number of cases can be attributed to male infertility. Today at least one in four men reportedly suffers from fertility issues.
Dr Manish Banker, executive director, Nova IVI Fertility, said, “The current study sheds light on what we have always believed at Nova - that patients are waiting too long to visit fertility specialists and seek medical treatment. There is a need to create awareness on the fact that there are a number of fertility treatments that can help us in determining the cause and recommend an appropriate approach.”