
Coffee-time for Those Listening to Their Heart

by Ann Samuel on Feb 15 2007 3:27 PM

It’s a yo-yo study and this time it has swung in favor of the coffee.

There have been numerous studies on the risks/benefits of coffee, and especially on the relation of coffee with heart diseases.

Scientists working with the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston and led by Dr. Sarah A. Rosner conducted a research on 32,650 Swedish women between 40 and 74 years of age.

This was conducted from 1987 to 1990. Results were published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

During an average follow-up of 5 years it was seen that a total of 459 heart attacks occurred of which 391 were nonfatal and 68 were fatal.

The team found that women who drank 5 or more cups of coffee (java variety) per week had a 32 percent reduced risk of having a heart attack compared with women who drank 0 to 4 cups per week.

Yet this was not statistically significant.

Still, it could be concluded that drinking coffee does not increase the risk of heart attack, according to the researchers.

Several studies have examined ties between coffee consumption and risk of heart attack, but results have been mixed. Some studies have suggested a harmful effect of coffee consumption on the heart, whereas others have shown no link.

There are "several plausible biologic mechanisms" by which coffee may reduce risk of heart attack, Rosner's team explains.

"Coffee contains phenolic compounds, which are known antioxidants and may reduce oxidative stress," they opine.

From previous studies, coffee has been shown to improve the body's use of insulin and may even protect against type 2 diabetes.

Till we know what is which or vice-versa, let’s enjoy another ‘cuppa coffee’.

