
Lawyer justifies client with Aids and no morals

by Monisha on Oct 27 2006 2:02 PM

In a blatant attempt to safe guard the interest of his client a seasoned lawyer from Australia , is going full steam to contend before court that Aids need not be transmitted to another by sexual contact .Bizarre as it sounds Kevin Borick QC, has gone ahead with court proceedings which is scheduled for four days of hearing.

His client Andre Chad Parenzee a 35 year old man who is HIV positive was convicted recently for having had unprotected sex with multiple partners while keeping his sexual partners in the dark about the fact that he is infected with HIV.

Mr. Borick’s decision to contend this conviction on behalf of his client has thrown the state government officials into a dilemma worried now that this could erode all the efforts put in by the state government in emphasizing the need to adhere to ‘safe sex’.

Mr Borick has rallied before the court that no research has actually furnished proof thus far to establish the fact that HIV is indeed unquestionably transmitted by sexual contact. Prosecutor Sandi McDonald is sprucing up to face the formidably over confident defence counsel with appropriate experts with sound credentials .

