UK has confirmed the presence of the first case of a lethal cat coronavirus, responsible for the death of 8,000 felines this year.

Coronavirus that killed 8,000 cats in Cyprus has been found in UK
Go to source). Early in January this year, the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, also nicknamed the "island of cats" for its 1-million-strong feline population, witnessed about 8,000 cat deaths due to feline infectious peritonitis (FIP).
‘UK reports the initial occurrence of a deadly cat coronavirus, which claimed the lives of 8,000 cats in Cyprus (nicknamed the "island of cats") earlier this year.
#catcoronavirus, #coronavirus, #cats, #catisland

FIP is a common condition caused by a type of cat coronavirus characterized by fevers, swollen bellies, and lethargy; and can turn fatal unless treated. 

The latest infection was identified in a cat brought to the UK from Cyprus after it developed symptoms and was sent for tests and treatment by its owner.
In a new study, published on a preprint website, and not peer-reviewed yet, researchers showed that the new strain of infection -- F-CoV-23 -- is a hybrid of existing feline coronavirus and canine coronavirus. So far, it is not linked to COVID-19.
The combination includes the cat virus gaining the dog pathogen's spike protein, making it more infectious, said the scientists from the UK and Cyprus in the study, warning of a "significant risk" of the outbreak spreading further.
Deadly Cat Coronavirus Makes its Debut
"We report the emergence of a novel, highly pathogenic FCoV-CCoV recombinant responsible for a rapidly spreading outbreak of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), originating in Cyprus," said the team including from the University of Edinburgh in the UK. Infection is spreading fast and infecting cats of all ages."This is exemplified by the recent confirmation of a first UK-imported case with further investigations into other cases ongoing," they said.
"If the cat has not traveled to Cyprus or been in contact with other cats that have visited Cyprus, the risk is minimal," Alexandros Chardas, Lecturer in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology, and Dr. Sarah Tayler, Lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine, from the Royal Veterinary College, were quoted as saying to The Independent.
- Coronavirus that killed 8,000 cats in Cyprus has been found in UK - (