Health threats from the deadly spill of toxic sludge from an alumina factory in Hungary were evaluated by authorities with the help of experts from the World Health Organization.

"The WHO mission will make an expert assessment of the short-, medium- and long term effects of the spill on public health in the affected area," it added.
The results of the mission's evaluation are meant to help Hungarian authorities develop appropriate preventive action.
However, the WHO mission will also evaluate the possible impact of an "attenuated spread" of substances from the sludge to countries downstream along the river Danube.
"While serious short-term health effects are considered unlikely, potential medium- and long-term effects through contamination from heavy metals (for example entering the food chain) can only be assessed as more information becomes available," the agency said.
The WHO added that the risk of contamination from dust spreading to neighbouring countries from drying sludge was considered "negligible".
At least eight people died in the disaster and 150 people were injured. Forty-five people remain hospitalised, two in very serious condition.