Discussions gain traction on the resurgence of masks and limited lockdowns this winter amid rising COVID variants.

‘As COVID variants surge this winter, the possibility of reinstating masks and controlled lockdowns gains momentum, even three years into the pandemic.
#Masks, #COVID

CDC Director Mandy Cohen has cautioned that COVID remains risky for unvaccinated people. The risk is especially high for unvaccinated individuals who haven't been infected before and those who are older or have underlying health conditions. 

Dr. Rajkumar, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, Delhi, said that even as the emerging new variants of COVID warrant vigilance, undue worry can be mitigated through informed measures.
“To protect against new variants, maintaining established precautions remains pivotal: getting vaccinated, practicing good hand hygiene, wearing masks in crowded settings, and adhering to local health guidelines,” Rajkumar told IANS.
Timely vaccination, particularly with updated booster shots, bolsters our defenses as well and measures should be taken individually to boost immunity.
“As the situation evolves, public health surveillance, genomic sequencing, and proactive measures will help us navigate the landscape, assuring that our collective efforts continue to mitigate the impact of the present or upcoming variants,” he added.
Is COVID Resurgence a Part of Winter Preparation?
This is important because infection from SARS-CoV-2 is still a threat, especially to the most vulnerable patients, and masks are a proven method for preventing transmission, according to a commentary published in the Journal of Annals of Internal Medicine.Although rates of severe COVID-19 have decreased because of increasing community immunity and access to medical countermeasures, severe outcomes attributable to COVID-19 are still occurring.
In the US, which is facing a late-summer COVID surge, Republicans are raising fears that government-issued lockdowns and mask mandates are coming next.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told reporters this week that people are “lurching toward” COVID-19 restrictions and “there needs to be a pushback".
“The radical Democrats are trying hard to restart COVID hysteria. I wonder why. Is there an election coming up by any chance?” former US President Donald Trump had asked his supporters in South Dakota during a recent campaign rally.
The US government has, however, said a federal mask mandate is not on the cards at the moment.
“To be clear, the rumors of a federal mask mandate are not true,” said Jeff Nesbit, assistant secretary for public affairs for Health and Human Services.
Masks may make a comeback, but most likely will only be mandatory in healthcare settings such as clinics and hospitals to begin with, according to experts.