'Text neck' is a condition often brought on by bending over phones and tablets for several hours at a time. It is becoming epidemic affecting children and teenagers.

Text neck could lead to anxiety and depression as well as spinal damage.
Dr Carter said that over 50 percent of the cases he has seen in the last few years have been teenagers. Children in Britain spend nearly two hours a day staring at smartphone screens. He published X-rays that show the disturbing spinal curvature due to smartphone usage.
While leaning forward, pressure on the neck from the weight of the head increases. The average head weighs between 10lbs and 12lbs. However, the weight on the neck can be up to 27lbs at a 15 degree angle.
The former governor of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation said, “I have started seeing lots of cases over the past two years, especially in young school children and teenagers. The condition is called ’text neck’ because it is often caused when people sit with their heads dropped forward looking at their devices for several hours at a time.”
“Instead of a normal forward curve, patients can be seen to have a backwards curve. It can be degenerative, often causing head, neck, shoulder and back pain. Many patients come in complaining they have a headache, but we actually find text neck is the cause of it. They often fail a simple heel-to-toe test and tend to fall over.”