First-ever tie between tiny genetic molecules termed microRNAs and the imminent threat of a heart attack has been discovered by researchers.

The researchers envision a day in the not-too-distant future when a patient with cardiac risk factors does regular blood testing to watch for signs of imminent heart attack.
"About half of all heart attacks occur in patients with no previous signs of heart disease. The heart attack is a surprise, and very often it's deadly," said Jeffrey L. Anderson, MD, chief of cardiovascular research at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute and one of the study's authors.
"This project has a lot of promise in helping us develop a way to identify these patients who don't show any obvious signs but are at imminent risk of suffering a heart attack," he stated.
The research group from Intermountain Medical Center, the flagship facility for the Intermountain Healthcare system, examined blood samples for the presence of six microRNA molecules that had previously been identified in patients after a heart attack.
These genetic structures serve as an "on-off switch" for regulating the expression of a host of genes. When their levels drop, the genes they help to control are no longer regulated and can go "rogue."
Pre-heart attack patients, whose blood was drawn one to seven days before a heart attack; Post-heart attack patients, whose blood was drawn within 36 hours after a heart attack; Patients with cardiac problems, but no heart attack within one year before or after blood sample collection and healthy patients with no cardiac problems.
The researchers believe the low levels of microRNA and the resulting genetic dysfunction may herald the heart attack. The three microRNAs are known as miR-122, miR-145, and miR-375.
"We don't know exactly which genes are controlled by these microRNAs, but this study gives us a good starting point for looking more deeply into the ways they influence the heart," said John Carlquist, PhD, director of Intermountain Healthcare's Cardiovascular Molecular and Genetic Laboratory at LDS Hospital and one of the study's authors.
The researchers believe developments in nanotechnology one day may make it possible to continuously monitor an individual's blood for changes in these markers and alert a physician at any sign of danger.
The group will continue their research into microRNAs and heart attack with another study looking at a larger sample of patients, noted Dr. Galenko.
The research group presented the study results at the American College of Cardiology's 61st Annual Scientific Session in Chicago.