The most serious health threats are believed to be heart attack and stroke.Two major biological processes that occur at the onset of these traumatic events have been linked by researchers.

"Our findings uncover the direct coupling of these two important pathways and raise the prospect of therapeutic manipulation of the UPR to lessen the damage caused by heart attack and stroke," said Dr. Joseph A. Hill, Professor of Internal Medicine and Molecular Biology, and senior author of the study published in the March 13 issue of Cell.
The work by Dr. Hill''s team uncovers a previously unrecognized progression following ischemia (when a tissue is deprived of oxygen and nutrients) and reperfusion (when that supply is restored, either spontaneously or therapeutically). Ischemia/reperfusion injury underlies health issues such as heart attack, stroke, and numerous other ailments including diseases of the kidney, liver, skeletal muscles, and more.
When someone suffers a heart attack, it triggers the process of the UPR inside myocytes (heart cells). A link between ischemia/reperfusion and UPR has been suggested previously, but compelling evidence was absent until the Cell study emerged.
Of the three pathways activated within the UPR, the new work implicates IRE1, which produces a molecule called spliced X-box binding protein 1 (Xbp1s), as a direct activator of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP). The HBP is responsible for producing modified glucose molecules that couple to numerous proteins, leading to beneficial changes in their function, stability, and location within the cell. This coupling, termed O-GlcNAcylation, has favorable effects on disease-injured cells, including myocytes.
Previously, researchers have verified that the O-GlcNAcylation process provides ample protection for the heart, in addition to many other cell types and tissues. However, what activated the O-GlcNAcylation process was unknown, until now.
While it is clear that the O-GlcNAcylation process protects the heart, we still do not understand how protection is mediated, notes Dr. Hill.
The study, undertaken by Dr. Zhao Wang, postdoctoral research fellow and first author of the paper, directly raises the question of whether Xbp1s can be manipulated therapeutically. If the body is able to produce more Xbp1s, then doing so would enhance the heart''s ability to withstand a heart attack. In fact, using mice engineered to have extra copies of Xbp1s in the heart, Dr. Wang initiated heart attacks that were ultimately smaller and less harmful to the host. Conversely, when he deleted the gene altogether and initiated heart attacks, the effects were much larger and more harmful to the carrier.
"If we can find a way to enhance Xbp1s in the heart, it could be a very significant medical advancement," Dr. Hill said. "At this juncture, however, we''re extremely pleased to have uncovered a major pathway that leads to protecting the heart in the face of danger."
Other UTÂ Southwestern researchers involved in the project include Dr. Yingfeng Deng, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Touchstone Center for Diabetes Research; Ningguo Gao, senior research scientist in pharmacology; Dan L. Li, graduate student research assistant in internal medicine; Cyndi Morales, graduate student research assistant in internal medicine; Dr. Alfredo Criollo, postdoctoral researcher in internal medicine; Dr. Xiang Luo, assistant professor of internal medicine; Wei Tan, research scientist in molecular biology; Nan Jiang, senior research scientist of internal medicine; Dr. Mark A. Lehrman, professor of pharmacology; Dr. Beverly A. Rothermel, associate professor of internal medicine and molecular biology; Dr. Pradeep P. A. Mammen, associate professor of internal medicine; Dr. Anwarul Ferdous, assistant professor of internal medicine; Dr. Thomas G. Gillette, assistant professor of internal medicine; and Dr. Philipp E. Scherer, professor of internal medicine and cell biology.
The research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, the American Heart Association-DeHaan Foundation, the Fondation Leducq, and the American Diabetes Association.
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UTÂ Southwestern, one of the premier academic medical centers in the nation, integrates pioneering biomedical research with exceptional clinical care and education. The institution''s faculty includes many distinguished members, including five who have been awarded Nobel Prizes since 1985. Numbering more than 2,700, the faculty is responsible for groundbreaking medical advances and is committed to translating science-driven research quickly to new clinical treatments. UTÂ Southwestern physicians provide medical care in 40 specialties to nearly 91,000 hospitalized patients and oversee more than 2 million outpatient visits a year.
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