
Pfizer Not to Sell Viagra Over-the-counter in Europe

by VR Sreeraman on Nov 23 2008 9:44 AM

The makers of the anti-impotence drug Viagra have withdrawn an application to make the 50-milligram tablets available over the counter in Europe.

Following concerns raised by European regulators about supply, the company Pfizer took the decision.

According to a European Medicines Agency committee, there would be too little medical oversight - implying related problems like heart disease could be missed.

Pfizer had wanted to make 50mg tablets available over-the-counter. It said the move would help those men too embarrassed to seek help from their doctor.

"A lot of men don't go to the doctor or talk about their condition. By offering it via a pharmacy, it would offer them another option," BBC quoted a rep, as saying.

He said it could also help prevent men buying over the internet and potentially taking fake, and even dangerous, pills.

However, the EMEA's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), had major concerns over making Viagra available over-the-counter.

A spokeswoman said: "If the drug is available without prescription, there is no medical supervision which could delay diagnosis of underlying disease. The CHMP was particularly worried about the diagnosis of overt and silent cardiovascular disease, of which ED can be an early marker."

