Animated television sitcom 'Family Guy' by Fox is said to have appeared to mock former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin's son's Down syndrome.
Former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin's son's Down syndrome has reportedly become the butt of a joke on Fox's animated television sitcom 'Family Guy'.
The episode, shown on February 14, showed one of the show's characters as dating a woman who apparently suffers from Down syndrome.The woman makes comparisons to Palin's 22-month-old son, Trig.
"My dad's an accountant, and my mom's the former governor of Alaska," the New York Daily News quoted the mentally disabled character as saying, without mentioning any names.
The irreverent cartoon stepped over the line just days after Palin lambasted both White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and radio talkmeister Rush Limbaugh for using the word "retard", which she considers an unacceptable slur.
There was no immediate comment from Palin, who recently became a Fox News contributor.