Viagra is a trusted drug to treat erectile dysfunction in men and improve sex life.
Viagra is a trusted drug to treat erectile dysfunction in men and improve sex life. Many men bank on this drug to treat erectile dysfunction, boost their self-esteem and satisfaction in life. But, recently experts have found that this drug may not provide the cure that men are looking for.
Researchers revealed that many men found no marked improvement in their relationships after taking this drug. While the medication did improve their self-esteem, they did not experience an overall satisfaction in their relationships.
Dr Andrew Kramer, a urologist at the University of Maryland Medical Centre, said, 'It's simplistic to think that fixing an erection issue would solve relationship issues. Happiness is very complicated, and erections are just one small piece of it. A lot of couples still need additional therapy.'
Depression and other psychological problems were found to be other issues plaguing some of the study subjects on Viagra. Therefore, experts felt that tackling erectile dysfunction is only one part of the treatment. For such men to find improvement in their overall life satisfaction, a holistic approach of boosting sexual health as well as psychological health may be need of the hour.
'Treatments that target both physical and psychosocial aspects of ED are likely to be the most effective treatments for men with ED,' the study concluded.