The much-needed assistance for North Island mothers with post-natal depression is round the corner after many years of discomfort in leaving children behind while availing care at the hospital.

This was possible in South Island hospitals and not in North Island ones. According to health minister, Tony Ryall, the government has allocated $18.2 million over four years for this initiative. Therefore, they are working towards enabling in-patient beds for new mothers and more specialist community services.
Statistics show that 15% of new mothers go on to suffer from depression and anxiety as well as other forms of mental illnesses. It has been hard on mothers who are already in the throes of illnesses to leave their babies with others.
"After you've had a baby the last thing you want to happen is that you're unwell. But if you do need to be admitted, to then be separated from the baby I think it sounds like a punishment."
Now, this news should bring great relief to new mothers.