
Men Have Poor Hygiene as Compared to Women

by Kathy Jones on May 31 2012 6:04 PM

 Men Have Poor Hygiene as Compared to Women
A new study carried out by American researchers has found that men are less hygienic compared to women and often work in offices that are dirtier compared to those of their female counterparts.
Researchers from San Diego State University in California collected 450 swabs of offices in New York, San Francisco and Tuscon, Arizona. The researchers found 500 types of bacteria, majority of them coming from human nose, ears, skin and intestinal cavities.

The researchers wrote in their report that chairs and telephones had the highest amounts of bacteria followed by desktops, keyboards, and computer mice. Though offices in San Francisco were found to be cleaner than the other two cities, the researchers said that they were not able to provide a reason.

“While the differences among cities do not seem readily interpretable, the differences between contamination levels in the offices of men and women may be explained by differences in hygiene. Men are known to wash their hands and brush their teeth less frequently than women, and are commonly perceived to have a more slovenly nature”, the researchers wrote in their report, published in the journal PLoS ONE.

