
Max Bupa Launches AccidentCare Health Assurance

by Hannah Joy on Dec 10 2016 5:24 PM

Health Assurance is a guaranteed cash benefit health insurance plan launched by Max Bupa with features to provide various covers to customers during critical times.

Max Bupa Launches AccidentCare Health Assurance
New edition of Health Insurance has been revealed by Max Bupa. Different health needs of the customer are met which is the most beneficial cash plan of three unique covers. In situations like critical illness, accidental death or permanent total or partial disability and provides cash benefits for daily hospital needs. //
Customers are provided with six flexible options to choose from the Health Assurance, which helps to retain his/her savings and helps in medical emergency by reducing finances. Individuals are highly secured with these benefits which can be bought either individually or by clubbing together.

A demand for comprehensive health insurance covers is on the rise as the rate of incidence and the cost of treatment are high in critical illness, hospitalization and accidental injury.

A policyholder is at peace, not taking into account of how much the expenses are as he/she has made pre-defined payment(s) even before the occurrence of the event.

Customers can choose from the new product/policy for a sum of cash ranging from:
  • Rs 3 lakhs to Rs 2 crores for CritiCare
  • Rs 5 lakhs to Rs 5 crores for AccidentCare
  • Rs 1 thousand to Rs 4 thousand per day for HospiCash
For the most common 20 critical illness provides equal amounts to CritiCare as that of the Sum Insured on diagnosis like Cancer, Open Chest Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, First Heart Attack, Open Heart Valve Replacement or Repair, Major Organ Transplant, Coma, Kidney Failure amid other illnesses.

Critical illness requires continuos medical attention creates financial burden for a good long number of years. To avoid this burden the Health Assurance provides a lumpsum cover of 10 percent with the insured sum that can be paid in the following five years.

A number of features are provided by the AccidentCare cover, such as:
  • For accidental death
  • For permanent total disability
  • For permanent partial disability and
  • For additional benefits (like child education benefit and expenses for funeral)
Accident hospitalization of an individual for tragedy and treatment for Temporary Total Disability (TTD) is an added new benefit in AccidentCare. As a result of an accident, an individual’s physical loss results in unemployment.

Temporary Total Disability feature entitles the customer with 1% of sum insured (maximum Rs 20,000) per week which is given to the patient for the financial loss occurred at the time of incident. Temporary total disability continues to be available for the patient for a maximum of 100 weeks.

HospiCash benefit provides a lumpsum amount of about Rs.4 thousand per day for hospitalization which relieves the non-insured costs such as for travel, consumables, etc.

Ashish Mehrotra, MD & CEO of Max Bupa; highlighted the most beneficial key points of Health Assurance.

“Given the growing incidence of critical illnesses and accidents in India, the uptake of fixed benefit product category has witnessed huge growth.WHO statistics indicate that the incidence of heart attack, diabetes, chronic respiratory ailment and cancer are expected to rise by 25%, in India. Multiple benefits such as coverage of 150% of sum insured under CritiCare and coverage of 125% of sum insured against Permanent Total Disability and the unique option of securing Temporary Total Disability (TTD) coverage under AccidentCare, gives complete flexibility to our customers in choosing their sum insured, policy term, their course of action and treatment. In this uncertain life, I’m confident that our customers will opt for this cover and ensure that they lead a healthier, more successful life,” said Mehrotra.

Max Bupa offers a quick and personalized settlement to the customers for building a long-lasting relationship. Health Assurance in metro cities and in tier II and tier III cities, claims to be a product of high relevance.

Max Bupa Health Insurance

Max Bupa and Max India Limited is a joint venture (51:49) of corporate multi-business. An excellent proficiency in life insurance and health care and Bupa. It’s been one of the leading global health and care company for 65 years in healthcare knowledge.

Bupa’s health insurance and customer service with Max India’s understanding and experience of the Indian health and insurance sectors are brought together by Max Bupa.

A high quality of health insurance services with a dedicated team of about 1600 people and its network of 26 offices across 16 cities, namely Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Surat, Kochi, Kolkata, Patna, Goa and Jodhpur offer individuals and families with oriented health insurance policies for Indians of all age groups.

About Max India Limited

Max India, focuses on the health and the allied businesses of Max Healthcare, Max Bupa Health Insurance and Antara Senior Living, which acts the holding company. Max Healthcare and Max Bupa Health Insurance are joint ventures with global leaders Life Healthcare (South Africa) and Bupa Finance Plc. (UK), respectively. All these businesses are well-established and recognized for their outstanding services in their respective categories.

The Company owns and manages actively:
  • 45.95 percent stake in Max Healthcare
  • 51 percent stake in Max Bupa Health Insurance and
  • 100 percent stake in Antara Senior Living
  • About Bupa

    The purpose of Bupa is for longer, healthier and happier lives. As a leading global health and care company, Bupa offers:
    • Health insurance
    • Medical subscription
    • Other health and care funding products
    • Bupa’s also run care homes, retirement and care villages, primary care, diagnostic and wellness centers, hospitals and dental clinics.

      Apart from the one’s listed above, they also provide:
      • Workplace health services
      • Home healthcare
      • Health assessments and
      • Long-term condition management services
      • Bupa’s have 29 million customers in 190 countries with no shareholders. Investing their own shares and profits to provide better healthcare by achieving the purpose.

        Bupa’s employ 80,000 people, principally in the UK, Australia, Spain, Poland, New Zealand and Chile and as well as Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, India, Thailand and the USA.

        Max Bupa has a direct working relationship with a network of over 3500 top quality hospitals and healthcare. For more details about the company and for a list of all the networking hospitals please visit












