A new study reveals that men with masculine features are more attractive to fertile women.

A "masculine face" has a relatively pronounced chin, strong jaw, narrow eyes and well-defined brow, like George Clooney, for instance.
A less-masculine face, on the other hand, would include a less-pronounced jaw and wider eyes, a la Pee-wee Herman.
"When they rate men's sexiness, in a sense, that's when (women) show the shift. If they rate men's attractiveness as a long-term partner, then they don't show it," Steven Gangestad told LiveScience.
Masculine facial features suggest that a man is of good genetic quality, because he had the resources during development not only to survive but also to expend energy on a macho visage. Rugged-looking jaws and eyebrows are signals of testosterone.
However, Christine Garver-Apgar says the lack of a similar effect with intelligence is perplexing.
She added that further research is required in order to answer this along with other questions.