Glioblastoma multiforme a form of brain tumour with no curative options due to the inability to get drugs through the blood-brain barrier.

‘A phospholipid nanocarrier was engineered to deliver a concentrated dose of the chemotherapy drug temozolomide to the targeted brain tumor cells.’

The study, published in the journal Nanomedicine-Future Medicine, showed specific uptake and increased killing in glial cells, so much so that Broome initially questioned the results. She had her team keep repeating the experiments, using different cell lines, dosage amounts and treatment times. 

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) a form of brain tumour is a devastating disease with no curative options due to several challenges, said Broome.
The tumour has a significant overall mortality, in part due to its location, difficulty of surgical treatment and the inability to get drugs through the blood-brain barrier, a protective barrier designed to keep a stable environment within and surrounding the brain.
Broome and her team took what they know about the cancer's biology and of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), one of numerous growth factor proteins that regulates cell growth and division and is also over expressed on tumour cells in the brain.
With that in mind, they engineered a micelle that is a phospholipid nanocarrier, "a bit of fat globule", to deliver a concentrated dose of the chemotherapy drug temozolomide (TMZ) to the GBM tumour cells.
The team is excited about the new research because it potentially points the way to a new treatment option for patients with GBM.
"It will allow us eventually to target aggressive childhood and adult brain tumours," she added.