Compounds like carbonyl compounds, cyclohexanone, phenol and isophorone, might be critical when present in higher concentrations in children's toys.

‘There are always toys that emit a smell that is described by parents as 'pungent' or even 'somehow seems poisonous.’

Some of these compounds, which include carbonyl compounds, cyclohexanone, phenol and isophorone, might be critical when present in higher concentrations in children's toys. 

Cyclohexanone can be harmful if inhaled, phenol is known to be acutely toxic and to presumably have mutagenic potential and isophorone is a category 2 carcinogen, which means that this is a suspect substance in the development of cancer in humans, the researchers said.
For the study, appearing in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, the team conducted tests using an inflatable beach ball, a pair of swimming armbands and two bathing rings they bought off the shelf from local stores and online suppliers in Germany.
The researchers then detected between 32 and 46 odours in each sample, of which up to 13 were quite intense.
A majority of these odorants were identified and among these were several fatty smelling mono- or di-unsaturated carbonyl compounds and their epoxidised derivatives, but also odouractive organic solvents such as cyclohexanone, isophorone, and phenol.
"However, we found that in a number of cases our noses can guide us to 'sniff out' problematic products," Wiedmer said.