
India Sounds Bird Flu Alert in Border States

by VR Sreeraman on Mar 24 2007 12:33 PM

India continues to be free from the dreaded avian influenza but alert has been sounded in the states bordering Myanmar, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the health ministry said Friday.

"The country continues to be free from the avian influenza virus as on date. As a precautionary measure, states bordering Myanmar, Pakistan and Bangladesh have been put on alert," said a health ministry communiqué.

As per news reports, Bangladesh Friday confirmed an outbreak of avian influenza in a poultry farm near Dhaka. Earlier this year, outbreaks were also reported from Pakistan and Myanmar.

A high-level review of the preparedness for handling any outbreak of bird flu in India was undertaken by the cabinet secretary Wednesday.

The Animal Husbandry Department has advised these states to intensify surveillance measures.

"The government of India has already stockpiled adequate quantities of medicines and equipments for handling any outbreak. Though the outbreak has been reported from the countries, which flank India, there is no need for any panic," the statement added.

