
Imported Plants Could Deadly Harbor Mosquitoes, Says Report

by Medindia Content Team on Nov 21 2005 8:03 PM

A report published in the Chemistry and Industry magazine says that tropical plants imported from Asia could harbor dangerous mosquitoes that transmit malaria, dengue and other related illnesses.

The Asian tiger mosquito has been implicated in about 23 diseases and this species was detected in the Netherlands leading to speculation that these diseases may spread in Europe. These mosquitoes were detected in imported bamboo in a greenhouse leading to fears that they might thrive in the cooler climate prevailing in Europe. It was detected by Dutch Plant Sanitary Inspection Service, according to the magazine. It added that a shipment from Southeast China was being inspected by their personnel when mosquitoes swarmed over the inspector. Olaf Stenvers, of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority said that the European Union countries needed to frame tougher laws to rate these imports since the danger from these mosquitoes was very valid.

The Chartered Institute for Environmental Health in the UK said that although these Tiger mosquitoes had been sighted in the country, there were no reports of any illnesses so far. Bob Mayho, policy officer at the institute was of the opinion that there was no need to panic and that these insects would not 'colonize' Britain.
