Twelve years after football's only openly gay player killed himself, his niece has started a campaign to break the grip of homophobia in Britain's football circles.

"With the Justin Campaign, we aim to have a day where people can forget about these taboos and we can just get on with our normal lives," she told Sky News. If you are a gay footballer, you're a gay footballer. It's not my concern if you're gay. It's my concern if you play well and get those goals," Fashanu niece Amal said.
Chris Basiurski, of the Gay Football Supporters' Network, was earlier forced to join a gay team in a gay league because of the attitude his then work team-mates had when they discovered his sexual orientation.
"I was playing in a more mainstream league and when they discovered my sexuality, I was made to feel very uncomfortable. All the social side of it disappeared for me," he said.
Publicist Max Clifford claimed that the hostility throughout the game extended to the very top level, adding that gay and bisexual players are simply too frightened of the professional and social consequences to come out in public.
It is not just a British problem.
In three weeks' time, Britain will know if it is to host the 2018 World Cup, but few in the game believe there will be any openly gay footballers in that tournament, even it if is still eight years away, the report said.